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Basic Structure

  1. Initialize django project
    • Create project directory
    • Create, LICENSE and .gitignore using
    • Add Django==5.0.7 to requirements.txt
    • Initialize Django Project using django-admin startproject app
  2. Adjust django settings (project-name/app/
    • Randomize SECRET_KEY
      import random
      from os import environ
      from string import punctuation, digits, ascii_letters
      SECRET_KEY = environ.get('SECRET_KEY', repr(''.join([
        random.SystemRandom().choice(ascii_letters + digits + punctuation) for i in range(
          random.randint(64, 80)
    • Make DEBUG and ALLOWED_HOSTS dynamic
      DEBUG = bool(int(environ.get('DEBUG', '0')))
      ALLOWED_HOSTS = environ.get('ALLOWED_HOSTS', '').split(' ')
    • Adjust database configuration (PostgreSQL / MariaDB)
    • Adjust paths to templates and static files
      #TEMPLATES = [{
      #    'DIRS': [BASE_DIR.joinpath('templates'),],             # <--- This line
      STATIC_ROOT = BASE_DIR.joinpath('static')
    • Add django translations and set timezone
      from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
      MIDDLEWARE = [
        'django.middleware.locale.LocaleMiddleware',              # <--- this line
      LANGUAGES = [
          ('en', _('English')),
          ('de', _('German')),
      TIME_ZONE = 'Europe/Berlin'
      USE_L10N = True
      USE_I18N = True
      Replace static list in app/ with i18n_patterns()
      from django.conf.urls.i18n import i18n_patterns
      urlpatterns = i18n_patterns(
    • Rename admin Site
      # app/
      from django.utils.translation import gettext as _
    = = _('Your project') = _('Welcome to your project')
  3. Create django base app
    • Create app using python3 startapp base
    • Load base app in app/
    • Add view, url routing and static files for manifest.json
      # base/
      from django.http import HttpRequest, JsonResponse
      def manifest(request: HttpRequest) -> JsonResponse:
          return JsonResponse({
              'name': '',
              'short_name': '',
              'icons': [
                      'src': 'img/android-chrome-192x192.png',
                      'sizes': '192x192',
                      'type': 'image/png'
                  }, {
                      'src': 'img/android-chrome-512x512.png',
                      'sizes': '512x512',
                      'type': 'image/png'
              'theme_color': '#ffffff',
              'background_color': '#ffffff',
              'display': 'standalone'
  4. [Optional] Add Django Rest Framework
    • Add 'rest_framework.apps.RestFrameworkConfig', to INSTALLED_APPS in app/
    • Add djangorestframework==3.15.2 to requirements.txt
  5. [Optional] Add open id connect to login (I suggest using keycloak or authentik instead of implementing authentification with support for multifactorauthentication yourself)
  6. [Optional] Add Dockerfile and to build docker image
  7. [Optional] Add continous integration pipeline to build and push docker image

Extend User Model

# base/
from django.contrib.auth.models import AbstractUser
from django.db import models

class User(AbstractUser):
    birthdate = models.DateField(null=True, blank=True)
# base/
from base.models import User
from django.contrib import admin
# app/
AUTH_USER_MODEL = "base.User"